Winter - A letter from Frankia Bacteria

Frankia says “It’s February!”

Dear Gardener-Teacher,

You really need to be thinking about me, Frankia bacteria, and my other bacterial siblings now that it is February. Yes, it is the soil bacteria talking to you. We are in that pummeled garden plot or unused baseball diamond in the back forty of your schoolyard. We need you and your students to help grow our community so that we can help you build Nitrogen, a macro-element that all plants really need.

First of all we really like lasagnas. Not that Italian stuff with noodles. The cardboard variety. I know you might think we are dumb, but our ecological intelligence can get us on the internet too. Take a look at this site to help you figure out how to enrich our habitat of soil with nutrients, create a positive space for my bacterial friends to grow, and develop a moisture maintaining environment for your plants. Here are some extra tips:

No need to remove the grass
Put some good manure down at the base of your garden(this is full of bacterial friends!)
Cover the paper with one to two inches organic material (leaves)
alternate your layers with grass clippings, sawdust, dolomite lime, sawdust, seaweed, and compost until your garden is about 12 inches high.
Water until the garden is the consistency of a damp sponge.
Plant, plant, plant and mulch, mulch, mulch (to protect us down under ground).

Frankia spp
(and friends)
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