Otis after every time we film him….he wants to see the video

This space is devoted to celebrating my son Otis in annual birthday videos. Please enjoy but do not share on social media channels. We try to restrict how far Otis' identity goes! - you can access videos below with password: OTSB13

OTIS TURNS eleven (2023-2024)

Otis has delved into tweendom with some fancy advertisements to accompany a slideshow ranging from Australian beaches near our home in Sawtell to the pastures of qathet.

OTIS TURNS Ten (2022-2023)

This year marked the first year that Out was a major part of the writing and production of his yearly video. Finding 10 has plot twists, adventure, and some minor stop-motion lego filmography. Set in Australia, an agent has gone missing, and it is Otis's job to go find it! Listen in for an original piano score, recorded live at Fern Gully!

OTIS TURNS 9ine (2021-2022)

Otis and I set ourselves up for quite a project when we took on a photo-a-day process to produce this 1.5 minute film of his last year. Some days Otis would remember to look in the camera - and other days I would remember to ask him. It works out for the most part - and what i think works the best is seeing his literal growth in that year as well as the contexts of our lives skimming by at .9 of a second! Enjoy this unusual yearly video.

OTIS TURNS 8ight (2020-2021)

What an amazing dude Otis is (and is becoming). When we were able to we did lots of visiting, cuddling with our cat Dito, and exploring our local area. Check out this celebration film of his year. One huge accomplishment is his climbing to the top of Mt. Albert Edward (2093m). It was a nine hour day and at the end of it he kept playing and exploring. Notice the original OTSB song entitled Three Bells at Noon. We hope you enjoy the film!

OTIS TURNS seVen (2019-2020)

Otis had another wonderful year of adventures. The global pandemic has increased his opportunity to explore outside and develop new learning relationships with his close family and friends. Yet he is eager to get back to school, figure out this new normal and continue his journey in public school. He has been an incredible creative inspiration for all of us.

By the way, Otis was featured in a Science podcast for Kids called Brains On for his mystery sound submission this year…see if you can figure out what it is!
Music -
We are the Ratband - Otis and Nick
Peace Train - Cat Stevens
Drinking beer in a measuring cup - Otis
Flowers are Great - Otis

OTIS TURNS 6IX (2018-2019)

Wow - Parlez nous Francais? Otis does. pretty rad year. He is such a champ - now riding a 20" bike, going pro next year with skiing, and still super emotionally intelligent, lovely little Otis….oh and he is a rock star - Just to be clear - Humpback whales eat Krill with their Baleen…not they have Krill; gosh artists these days!?

OTIS TURNS FIVE (2017-2018)

The Beaustangchamps have moved back to Victoria. Otis has started at French Immersion Kindergarten and turned five! So much change is unsettling - but we are slowly getting used to our new normal. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new friends for visits!

OTIS TURNS FOUR (2016-2017)

Another year has happened for Otis Theodore Stanger Beauchamp! Does it seem like his years go by really quickly? He still really into bikes - he got a new one for this year’s bday - see the picture attached. Check out Otis’s Annual Video Anthology if you want to see his obsession with bikes, trains, families, and trucks growing through the years:

OTIS TURNS THREE (2015-2016)

It is that time of year again where you can watch Otis videos and see how much he really loves bikes, trains, and ice cream! Turning three is a big deal and we had a rocking great party for him that was a bike rally at a local park - see attached. His video this year is basically chronological - so you can see his development pretty crazily!

OTIS TURNS TWO (2014-2015)

As we travel through New Zealand, Otis was lucky enough to spend his second birthday with Auntie Jen and Uncle Mark. It was a pretty special experience for us all. To celebrate his second year, check out a film marking his past year in 2-second clips:

OTIS TURNS ONE (2013-2014)

So far Otis' life has been really full. He entered the world in a purple bathroom in Victoria BC and then rounded his year out in another bathroom, this time he lives with a silver claw foot tub in Bellingham WA. We noticed a few things about him in his first year:

  • He likes to hang out with pretty much everybody;
  • He is into pushing wooden cars all over the place;
  • He really likes ice-cream (he has only had one lick in his life);
  • He can sign for "milk", "more, all done", and "please ring that bell again, it made a cool sound";
  • He has been called "fart-triliquist", "little-b", "bee-nut", "Oat-cakes", "baby-uh-oh", "o-ti-su", and "Oatie"
  • He LOVES pickles
  • He pants like a dog
  • He loves dogs
  • He has Nanny Stanger's hair

As a tribute to him in his first year, we have made a film of his jolly jumper exploits and a slideshow of his incredibleness. I hope you enjoy!

Jolly Jumper Exploits


A Year of Otis Slideshow

NB1 - The song in Jolly Jumper Exploits is Medeski Martin and Wood's Where is the Music?
NB2 - The songs in A Year of Otis are:
Something in You - Steph MacPherson
The Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding
Tall Tall Shadow - Basia Bulat
St. Judy's Comet - Paul Simon
Comes a Time - Neil Young
© 2023 Nicholas Stanger